Ross Family Ministries

Ross Family Ministries

Ross Family Ministry was founded in 1996 by Rev. Kevin Ross. Ross Family Ministries uses many creative methods to present the Gospel.  Some methods used are clowning, drama, music, and puppetry.

Ross Family Ministries presents the Gospel in a variety of community outreaches such as vacation bible school and street ministries. They also go throughout the world sharing the Gospel  to such places a Ethiopia, Jamaica, Mexico, England, Wales, France, Germany, Canada, South Africa,  Zimbabwe,  and Malawi.

Ross Family Ministries also provides churches with training in different methods to creatively evangelize the people in their community.

Children are the church of today not tomorrow

When Jesus saw the children, He said, “Let the little children come unto me, and do not hinder them…” -Mark 10:14.

Jesus realized that His disciples needed to understand the importance of children. At Ross Family Ministries, we have seen first hand young children hungry for God weeping at the altar asking Jesus to use them. We have seen children as young as seven and eight begging for the opportunity to pray for their friends. Children can truly worship as intensely as adults do if we lead them gently and expect God to do great things in them. In most cities, close to half of the people  are under 15 years of age. Imagine with me a new generation of children trained to hear the Lord’s voice, filled with the word and the faith to obey Him. These young people could change the world for Jesus now.

Rev. Kevin Ross, M.Div., Missionary Evangelist
      Founder of Ross Family Ministries

Our Mission

  1. Create in children  a walking talking relationship with Christ
  2. Set a foundation for the youth to be “on fire” to know God and serve Him without fear.
  3. Bring families together to serve God.
  4. Train and teach others including children to evangelize.

Ross Family Ministries achieves these goals by:

  1. Providing teachers and parents with Ministry Workers seminars
  2. Holding Outdoors Outreaches for the whole Family
  3. Creating Short Term Mission Trips for young and old to have hands on ministry time
  4. Preaching on the importance of children and how Jesus sees them
  5. Holding Family Crusades
  6. Providing Evangelism Training -using conventional and creative means of reaching the lost, like clowning , drama, music ,puppetry, storytelling things that attract people of all ages, racial, and social backgrounds.
  7. Children’s Conferences on the basics to teaching on the Holy Spirit.
  8. Holding Worship Service